the most egregious misapplication of church demographics and male leadership...
the irony is, i actually agree with him up to the :45 mark. granted, he sounds like he’s parroting john eldredge’s wild at heart, but he has a point. but, it is precisely at that point (the :45 mark),...
View Articlewho needs the new testament when you can get the ‘new new testament’
Santa Claus has come to town and has brought you a shiny new Bible. In fact, from the looks of things, Santa may have written it himself. But this is no ordinary Bible, it’s a New New Testament. The...
View Articlemaximize the money, archaeology be damned: simcha jacobovici claims ‘new’...
On December 8, 2012, in response to learning that Simcha Jacobovici had sued one of his more vocal critics, Joe Zias, I left the following comment on Jim West’s blog: How much do you want to bet that...
View Articlemark driscoll allegedly adds exorcisims to his ‘spiritual gifts’
Mathew Paul Turner has the story, entitled,”Exorcism at Mars Hill: One Woman’s Story“. MPT is an excellent, and very fair (he followed professional journalistic procedure and called Mars Hill and gave...
View ArticleMitt Romney on the Israel-Palestine Peace Process (and my response)
There’s really not much to say. This election is over. Here are two videos. The first is Republican Candidate Mitt Romney attempting to “delve into” the Israel-Palestine situation. He can’t even...
View ArticleOne Big Balagan: Robert Deutsch, Simcha Jacobovici, and their Campaign of...
בלגן (balagan): noun. (modern Hebrew, from Russian). 1) a chaotic mess of confusion and nonsense. 2) a state of extreme confusion and disorder. There is something quite foul coming from Israel, being...
View ArticleLest We Forget: Remembering the 9-11 Religious Aftermath Too
As we pause to remember those who died in the September 11 tragedy, let us also never forget the theologically perverse religious drivel that spewed forth from the mouths of two of the most ridiculous...
View ArticleRight on cue, here come the anti-gay comments from Duck Dynasty
Proud Rednecks. Proud Christians. Proud Southerners. Proud Bible quotin’, gun totin’, pro-Jesus, anti-gay redencks. If this is describes you, then here are your role models. We’ve seen that as the Duck...
View ArticleNo, Barack Obama is Not the Antichrist: Debunking A YouTube Video
The following video has been sent to me four times in the last few weeks by different individuals asking for my thoughts on the matter. And while nonsense of this caliber doesn’t dignify a response, it...
View ArticleA Quick Thought on Claims of the Mayan Apocalypse
Here’s a quick thought on the Mayan Calendar, the so-called Mayan Apocalypse, and December 21, 2012: “Claiming the world will end because the Mayans ran out of room on their calendar is like claiming...
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